Terry Goodkind – Amazing Author, troubling producer of promises

First I want to say that I honestly don’t believe the problem lies with Terry Goodkind, but rather with the team behind his online store. Last June 20th a special collectors edition of his self published book ‘The First Confesdor’ became available for purchase. We knew going in that it would take some time to produce and ship. Our updates were good and frequenly sent to our email addresses. Then things slowed down. Updates were less, lucky to receive an email, and when we did there was news of a problem putting the package together. Better updates were promised, but not fulfilled. A whisper of shipping possibly ready in January (7 months after purchase). Then a post in March from the team telling us to hang in there, orders are almost ready, updates again were promised, and we were left hanging once again. I’m May we received emails with tracking information and were excited, but ultimately let down. As three status of the tracking is still electronic shipping information received, one month later.

Posts are filling up his Facebook page, going unanswered, the event page had been abandoned by all but those of us that ordered. The hundred orders were promised and paid for by fans all across the world. Over $90,000 paid for this wonderful Collectors Edition. We sit patiently waiting, checking our emails, Terry’s Facebook, tracking numbers, hoping for some news, any news but it does not come.

We are approaching a year since purchase, many folks have moved, unsure if they will ever see their purchase. I hope we see movement soon.

Mr. Goodkind has taught us many great things through his novels and he has some amazing fans. It saddens me to see them lose faith in such a wonderful author due to a poor execution of a great package intended for his fans.

Soon, hopefully. We are waiting.

Until next time, if you have not discovered Terry Goodkind please check him out.

Terry Goodkind