Drafted another SolForge Winner – Nekrium and Uterra

The SolForge Gods love me this week. My latest draft gave me a Seal and a Sporelord. Cruised along for another 4-0 victory. I find myself forcing these two factions because it seems almost to always get me 3 victories. My final match was a nail biter down to the final turn!




Here’s the list for those interested.nek.ute2


I’m curious why the platinum packs contain legendaries from the first set, since these drafts contain cards from the newer sets. Hopefully trading is soon, I have plenty of Ghox.


Weekend SolForge Drafting

It’s been a long time since I have been able to draft more than once every few days. This weekend I was able to make it through quite a few drafts, grabbing 8 gold packs, and 2 platinum packs along the way. Having most of my success with Alloyin and Nekrium combinations. This post is a quick one, mostly giving you the two decklists that went 4-0 on Saturday, a first pick poll, and some fun Scrapforge Titan mayhem. Enjoy!

What would your first pick be from these choices?


I went with the Battle Techtician here for the universal buff to all my other creatures. I think the Grimgaunt Predator is top notch, but the removal is limited in the draft format.  I’ve tended to veer away from the Uterra faction, mostly because I don’t have much success with them. Alloyin has always been my faction of choice. This draft was solid across the board. I chose creatures that level up great as the game progresses and took some risks with Alpha and Colossus, having snagged a copy of Jet Pack early. Here’s the draft list from my first 4-0 of the weekend.


4.4aMy next 4-0 draft was similar, but I picked an early Tarsus Deathweaver and made a few picks to combo with. You’ll see many of the same creatures in both drafts: Warcharger, Xithian Hulk, Blight Walker, Vault Technician, and Fleshfiend. I typically do not skip picking these cards because they are good at level 2, although Blight Walker is situational. Here’s a copy of the draft list.

My next few screenshots were an amazingly lucky series of turns, featuring out of control Scrapforge Titans thanks to Jet Pack, Cypien Battlesuit (Amazing!), and Feral Instinct. Went 3-1 with this draft and it was a blast.









Hope I can get back in the swing of things!

As always you can find me here on Twitter: @Llauron

Catch the occasional stream over on hitbox!

Until next time, get your games in.